When working on set – there is an array of gear that get used on a regular basis on set. Some of it is very specific to the kind of work you do. HOWEVER, there are some things that will get use on any set as well as get some use in your off set life. Thanks to the hive mind over at the Facebook page for Crew Stories, we have a ton of great suggestions for gear that might get use at home and on set. Without naming brand names here are some of the most useful items that can go from set to home with ease.3


When working on set, most crew members spend a ton of time on their feet. Even with the best of new shoes, you might want to consider getting yourself a good pair of Gel Insoles for increased comfort when standing or walking on set. Just as a note, you may want to consider changing them more often than recommended by the manufacturer as we spend more time in our footwear than other careers. 2

1) USB Battery Bank or Inverter Battery Bank(s)

Getting space to charge your phone on set is hard – and maybe some of your gear needs a little juice and you don’t want to have to ask electrics for a stringer. Keeping a batter of some kind in your kit can be a lifesaver. For those of you who don’t take the crew shuttle – in a pinch – an inverter bank can be charged in your car – and can keep you going if the lights go out – on set or off.

2) Credit Card Light(s)

While your electric team is almost garunteed to have a few in Credit Card Lights have become a staple of my kit. Available in a variety of brands and styles – these lights can come in handy when working on set. Look for ones with magnetic backs – so that you can place them on the ceiling of a 5-ton for light when working on the truck. 1/4 attachments are also a great bonus – allowing you to attach them to stands or spider-leg tripods. These are so useful that I own several sets – both for around the house and for use on location.

3) 1 inch Gaff Tape

Great for putting up things on set and off this strong fabric tape is a must for most kits, although it finds most use with your local grip department. Put it on your stringer and use liberally – however – be sure to test strip any new locations where you are going to use any kind of tape.

4) Retractable Knife

Quick cuts and crafting projects make having a good knife a must. Safety knives make for an easy every day carry. Every department cuts things – and the use around the house in a pinch makes it a must!

5) Sandbags

A staple of every film set – Sandbags are so useful in life, that it’s hard to explain. Great for stopping things from moving – like the front door when coming in with groceries, or a tricky rolling chair that’s a little top heavy. Need to keep something from flying away in a storm? Sandbags have you covered.

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